Monday, June 2, 2014

Farmpark Day 15- Another Fun Monday

As usual, the Farmpark was closed today.  But, that didn't stop any of the action!  My sponsor, Ann, was very busy in her front office getting stuff ready for the month of June.  This left me to take care of the Well Bred Shed by myself for the morning.  The first thing that greeted me as I walked into the room was one of the chickens, LaFonda, who must have been forgotten yesterday.  Her coop-mate was just outside in the garden, pecking around for grubs.  I easily scooped up LaFonda and put her back into her cage.  However, the other chicken whose name escapes me decided to be difficult.  But, I eventually got her back into her home safely.  After that, I took care of Liz's pen and I believe today was the day that we weaned the piglets.  Liz can now get a well-deserved break from her litter, which was constantly pestering her.  After cleaning out the pig pen, I handled Brenda and Maple's (sheep) pen while Ann milked Sugar the goat.

After the morning routine, Ann left to take lambs to a sale while Mallory, an employee I work with on Mondays, and I handled things in the Dairy.  The Dairy is going to be repainted soon, so we taped all the areas that needed to be protected.  This was when the thunderstorm rolled in.  Trapped inside, Mallory did some office work while I cleaned up the dairy and bottle fed the calf, Yasmine.  She has grown twice her size since I last had an opportunity to feed her.

Once the storm passed, Mallory and I took Tot and Maddie for a nice, long walk.  The border collies always enjoy it and, of course, managed to find dead or gross stuff to roll in and eat.  Oh well, dogs will be dogs?  After the walk, Mallory and I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning up one of the temporary sheep pens in the arena.  This was very tough work because the pen was roughly twice the size of a normal one. But, the work went by quickly thanks to the music we were playing and the good conversation.


1 comment:

  1. Your ability to work so effortlessly with animals will never cease to astound me. If I was in your place, I probably would have spent two hours chasing the difficult chicken around (or being chased by it) while yelling, before simply giving up. I love animals and think that they are incredibly cute, but I simply don't have that magic touch with them that you seem to have. I envy that skill, and I also envy your hard core attitude. Again, I would scream or ewww if a dog brought me a dead animal while I was walking, but that sort of stuff doesn't even make you bat an eye. That takes guts, which you definitely have. I love how you were never afraid to get dirty or do difficult work during your project. I love seeing the connections that you've built with not only the people at the Farmpark through this time, but also with the animals. I wish I could have had the opportunity to wean piglets or bottle feed a calf; that's something I would love to do! I hope that you can maintain some of the wonderful relationships you've built even after your project.
